A Prayer about Never Being Rejected Again

…you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you. Isaiah 43:3

Loving and Beloved Lord,

On the day set apart 

on the global calendar 

to celebrate human love, 

we recognize that it’s a hard day 

for many. 

Some endure the seemingly daily experience 

of rejection after a good date 

or ghosting after seeming connection over several dates. 

Others have been married for years 

but are lonely or bitter in that marriage,

sharing home but not heart. 

Dear Lord, how we thank you 

that your “steadfast love will not depart” from us (Isaiah 54:8-9); 

that because we are  your beloved children 

and your beloved bride, 

you will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8). 

Not only that, 

but we are so precious to you 

that you sent your Son to redeem us, 

to bring us back to you (Isaiah 43:1-4). 

Lord, may we all share the love 

you have shown us 

with at least one lonely and lovelorn person today.

In Jesus’ faithful name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 54:10; Deuteronomy 31:8; Isaiah 43:1-4. 

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