A Prayer about Not Being Alone at Christmas

And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20

Ever-present God,

We’ve seen too many Christmas programs 

with Mary all alone on the stage singing

about how a baby changes everything. 

I guess it’s because 

we admire Mary for facing such a daunting task—

to birth and raise the Son of God, 

but we’re prone to forget 

that she was never alone in her calling, 

that she’s not some 21st century independent woman, 

bold and brave and free, 

walking this hard road in her own strength. 

Indeed, the angel Gabriel is right there with her 

in this radically life-altering moment, 

and you were with her all along.

Her cousin Elizabeth is with her, 

believing the impossible with her. 

Even if her husband initially rejected her 

and the village folk talked about her behind her back, 

she had the assurance that her heavenly Father favored her.

And we have so much more than Mary had. 

We have the knowledge that Christ the King 

was born as a baby, 

lived and loved on this earth, 

died on the Cross for our sins, 

rose from the dead, 

and is seated at your right hand. 

We know that one day he will come again 

to restore all things, 

to right the wrong, 

to call his people home. 

Show us today

where we need to surrender to your plan, 

and remind us that we are never alone 

in living this glorious calling to be your bond servant. 

Do your will in us, 

and remind us of the many ways 

you’ve already shown us your favor 

and empowered us to serve you. 

In Jesus’, Immanuel’s name. Amen. 

Read Luke 1:26-45. 

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.


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