
A Prayer about Not Living to Please Ourselves

We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Romans 15:1

Lord Christ, 

Because you did not live to please yourself (Romans 15:3), 

but instead humbled yourself, 

condescending to be born as a weak and helpless baby, 

taking your first toddling steps 

knowing your last determined steps 

would lead to death on a cursed cross, 

may we never live to please ourselves. 

Because you did not live to please yourself 

but died to please God, 

we who are united to you by faith 

have become pleasing to God, 

and we are now empowered by your Spirit 

to “help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord” (Rom. 15:2).

Because you have given us 

patience and encouragement in your Word, 

we are now empowered by your Spirit 

to “live in complete harmony with each other, 

as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus” (Rom. 15:5). 

Lord Christ, as we live in this harmony, 

may our voices join together 

to glorify God (Rom. 15:6).

And may we offer others 

the welcome with which you have welcomed us, 

for the glory of God (Romans 15:7). 

In your God-pleasing name. Amen.

Read Romans 15:1-7. 

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