A Prayer about Receiving Jesus’ Cleansing

“You will never (to eternity) wash my feet.” John 13:8

Jesus, our Faithful Servant,

If we’re honest, we feel the way Peter did: 

you are too good, 

and we are too unworthy for you 

to wash our feet. 

According to Greek scholars*, 

Peter’s response to the idea of Jesus washing his feet is, 

“You will never to eternity wash my feet.” 

In our language, we might say, 

“No way. You will never ever ever wash our feet.” 

Lord, help us in our false humility. 

Help us in our pride. 

Help us in our confusion — 

how can you, 

God incarnate, 

serve us in the lowliest way possible? 

We really need to get this through our skulls 

that are as thick as Peter’s. 

Peter would one day be the “rock” 

on which you would build your church (see Matthew 16:18). 

In this authoritative position, 

he would need your power to submit

to take the lowest places 

to serve others. 

The only way he, and we, 

become empowered to do this 

is to recognize that we are poor and needy, 

but you, the Lord our King, are thinking of us right now (See Psalm 40:17). 

Help us today, Lord. 

Help us to submit 

our minds, 


and spirit to you. 

Cleanse us from our sin, 

and make us ready to serve others 

as your disciples. 

In your humble name we pray.


Read John 13:1-11.

*ESV Study Bible note. 

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

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