A Prayer about Rejoicing in Suffering

Have you ever wondered how you can rejoice in suffering?

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope…Romans 5:3-4.

Lord Jesus,

Yesterday we prayed about rejoicing 

“in the hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:2).

Today we need to face the fact that, 

for those who follow you, 

suffering is not only normal, 

but also a cause for rejoicing. 

That doesn’t really fit our American narrative, 

so help us by your Spirit to understand:

Suffering produces endurance: 

As we fix our eyes on you, 

the “founder and perfecter” of our faith 

who endured the cross for us (Hebrews 12:2), 

we are empowered by your Spirit to keep walking forward, 

one new mercy at a time.

Endurance produces character: 

Through suffering, you are making us “mature and complete” (James 1:4), 

people who are wise and compassionate, 

tender and strong comforters, 

people who don’t toss out spiritual Band-aids, 

people who listen carefully 

and give wise counsel at the right time.

Character produces hope: 

As you grow our endurance and character through suffering, 

we long even more for the future day 

when you will return and make all things new. 

This is the essence of hope, 

and it is a hope that will never disappoint (Romans 5:5).

In your suffering name. Amen.

Read Romans 5:1-5.

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