A Prayer about Remembering God’s Wonders

In spite of all this, they still sinned; despite his wonders, they did not believe. Psalm 78:32

Merciful God,

In Psalm 78, Asaph tells a bewildering story of your people, the Israelites:

Your people, who ran away in the day of battle 

and refused to obey you, 

because “They forgot his works and the wonders 

that he had shown them” (Psalm 78:11).

Lord, may it never be so for us, 

your beloved children in Christ. 

May we remember 

“the evidence of God’s abundant grace, 

in spite of [our] own sinfulness.”*

May we remember 

the teachers, the friends, 

the ministry leaders, the churches 

that have led us to see the hope of the gospel: 

that Jesus took on your wrath on the cross, 

that we who trust in him 

might not know the just punishment for our sins (Psalm 78:38).

[Name some of the people who have shown you God’s abundant grace.]

May we remember the times in our lives 

when you saved us out of sin and rebellion, 

when you showed us mercy 

when we deserved punishment.

[Name some of those events.]

May we remember the stories of your kindness and grace, 

your spiritual and material blessings.

[Name some of those stories, and tell or write one of these stories to someone you know today.]

As we remember, may we turn away from any sin that tempts us, 

and may we turn to your saving grace in your Son by your Spirit. 

In Jesus’ cross-bearing name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 78.

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