A Prayer about Seeing the Glory of Jesus

And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.

Matthew 17:2

Glorious Jesus,

How we long to see your glory, 

to really see it, 

the way Peter, James, and John saw it 

in the transfiguration. 

You took them to a high mountain, 

and as you were praying, 

you began shining like the sun, 

your face lit up in fierce, overpowering light, 

your clothes whiter 

than newly bleached sheets. 

Even though we have not yet physically seen you 

in your glory, 

help us to engage our imaginations 

so that we see what Peter, James, and John saw. 

Dazzling in your glory, 

you spoke with Moses and Elijah, 

two men who had caught glimpses of God’s glory. 

God’s glory-cloud descended on this whole bunch 

gathered on the mountain, 

and the voice of your Father spoke, 

“This is my beloved Son, 

with whom I am well pleased. 

Listen to him” (Matthew 17:5). 

The disciples sank to the ground, 

terrified by it all. 

But you, the fiery yet gentle Jesus, 

touched them, 

telling them, 

“Rise, and have no fear” (Matthew 17:7). 

Lord, may we see your glory 

even in this very story. 

And may we imagine your glory 

shining today into every crack and crevice of sin, 

every rupture and ravage of evil, 

healing and cleansing 

and bringing hope to hurting hearts. 

In your beautiful name. Amen. 

Read Matthew 17:1-13.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

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