A Prayer about Seeing the Light
And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:3
Glorious King,
As we revisit the story
leading up to your death on a cross
and your rising in glory,
we’re still a long way away
from your triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
But the joy we know as Christians
is that we’ve already heard the end of the story,
and you win!
In these gloomy, dark days of March,
may we see your light burning
through the thick darkness of our sin,
the thick darkness of racial and political divides,
the thick darkness of war and sickness and death.
The day is coming, and it is coming soon,
when we will arise and shine,
when all nations and all kings
will bow to the “brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:3).
Until that day comes,
may our hearts be warmed
by the radiating glory
of your brilliant love.
In your kingly name. Amen.
Read Isaiah 60.