A Prayer about Seeing the Light

The people walking in the darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. Isaiah 9:2

Light of the World,

I remember being a teenager,

spending hours at the Young Life Christmas tree lot, 

singing noisily along 

with John Denver and the Muppets Christmas album, 

huddling with my friends over a trash barrel fire, 

selling Christmas trees 

to happy (and some unhappy) families. 

Then I would come home to a dark and empty house, 

turn on the Christmas tree lights, 

and sit in the darkness marveling at the twinkling glory. 

I truly was a young woman 

walking in darkness 

who had seen a great light. 

Tim Keller tells us that in the days Christ appeared, 

the world was “filled with evil and untold suffering….

violence, injustice, abuse of power, 

homelessness, refugees fleeing oppression, 

families ripped apart, bottomless grief.” 

As he says, “Sounds exactly like today.”* 

Lord, in this season of Advent, 

may we see the darkness of this world for what it is, 

and may we see your great light, 

your light which has overcome the darkness, 

the light which is the life of all mankind. 

And may we share this light 

with all who live and walk in deep darkness.

In the name of your light-shining Son. Amen.

Read Isaiah 9:2; John 1:4-10; Matthew 4:16.

[Quote from Tim Keller’s Hidden Christmas.]

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

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