A Prayer about Seeking Immortality
To those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life…Romans 2:7
Just Judge,
Again today, we grapple with Paul’s strong words
about your judgment in Romans 2:1-11.
We know the gospel tells us
we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8).
And yet, here we read: “He will render each according to his works…” (Romans 2:6).
Help us to understand that, as Dan Doriani says,
“Judgment by deeds is not salvation by works…
our words and deeds follow our heart commitments.”*
Lord, if we truly belong to you,
then the Holy Spirit is transforming
our hearts,
our words,
our deeds,
so that we do become “patient in well-doing,”
so that we do seek “glory and honor and immortality,”
and so that we will bask in the joy of eternal life with you.
Reading our Bibles,
driving a friend to chemo,
helping a co-worker figure out a problem,
feeding a homeless person—
these are the acts that flow from being united with you.
By your faithfulness in us through your Holy Spirit,
we will persevere in glorifying you to the end.
In Jesus’ saving name. Amen.
Read Romans 2:1-11.