A Prayer about Talking about Death and Dying
The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 1 Corinthians 15:26
Gracious Father,
You know how deathly afraid we are of death.
We ask for your grace and mercy
to help us talk about death and dying,
well before we have any inkling that we might die.
We ask you to give us the words
to talk about death and dying
with friends and family members
who are facing a terminal diagnosis.
Help us to talk about things
like advance directives,
which help us to choose
which aggressive medical measures
we wish doctors to use
when our bodies are shutting down
and the hope for a cure is long past.
Help us to educate ourselves
on these medical measures like CPR
which looks nothing in reality
like it does on TV,
or ventilators,
which can prevent a dying person
from uttering her last words to her loved ones.
Help younger family members to not be frightened
when their parents want to discuss their wishes;
help elder family members
be willing to share their wishes
with younger ones.
Because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died
and was raised from the dead
that we might have forgiveness of sins
and join him in eternal glory,
give us the courage
to prepare for glory
by facing our mortality.
In Jesus’ courageous name. Amen.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:26-28; Hebrews 2:8.
To have conversations about these topics, see The Conversation Project.
To listen to hospice worker and palliative care worker, Kelly Markham, LCSW, discuss these things, go here.