A Prayer about Thanking God for True Meaning in Life
What I’ve finally concluded is that so-called wisdom and knowledge are mindless and witless—nothing but spitting into the wind. Ecclesiastes 1:17
Author God,
I admit, I always struggle
when my daily reading brings me to Ecclesiastes.
The words seem sarcastic and cynical,
and I need wise scholars to show me hope in these words.
And yet, the more I read,
the more I realize how we can relate to the “Teacher.”
We too can invest our time and energy
into acquiring both wisdom and knowledge.
We too can find it leaving us empty and sad.
We too can try to find meaning in life
in various pleasures—relationships, work, food, drink, etc.,
and we too can find those leaving us empty and sad.
So where do we find meaning,
and what does allow us to enjoy your good gifts
here and now?
Thanks be to God,
we know the One who brings meaning to life—
Jesus, our Wisdom and purpose.
In Christ, you are working
through every moment of every day
to make us more like Christ;
this transformation gives meaning to our lives.
In Christ, you are working through us
to bring grace and hope to others;
this purpose gives meaning to our lives.
Thank you, God, for giving us the wisdom of Christ
to see beyond this fallen world,
to see that indeed,
everything “under the sun”
is not “smoke, nothing but smoke” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).
You are working it all together
for our good and your glory, even now.
Read Ecclesiastes 1.