A Prayer about the Assurance of Salvation
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:28
Good Savior,
Thank you for this promise you’ve given to your sheep,
to those who know your voice
to those who believe in you (John 10:27).
Sadly, I’ve met too many ladies in our jail ministry
who’ve “walked the aisle” again and again and again,
because they feared that their salvation hadn’t “stuck.”
They loved you and wanted to follow you,
but a lifetime of backsliding into addiction
had caused them to doubt
whether you could really love them.
Even more sadly,
they had been told by pastors or ministry leaders
that they couldn’t truly belong to you
if they kept sinning.
Forgive us, Lord, for judging anyone’s heart.
You came not to condemn our sins but to forgive them.
By your Holy Spirit, you change us.
You assure us that those who follow you
and listen to your voice will have “eternal life”
and that they will “never perish.”
You promise, “no one will snatch them out of my hand”
because your Father has “given them to [you]” (John 10:29).
We pray for any who long to turn back to you
but fear you will no longer know them.
May they hear your voice speaking your assurance.
In your grace-gripping name. Amen.
Read John 10:22-30.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage
author, life and legacy coach, speaker
Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage is the author of Preparing for Glory: Biblical Answers to 40 Questions on Living and Dying in Hope of Heaven.
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