A Prayer about the Author Who Writes Our Stories from Start to Finish

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:13

Author God,

You began 

your True Story, 

the Living Word, 

with the words, 

“In the beginning…” 

Jesus concludes the True Story 

by reminding us, 

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, 

the First and the Last, 

the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13). 

Help us to see what good news this is! 

If you are the beginning and the end, 

surely there is nothing in-between 

that you have not written into our stories 

for our good and your glory. 

Just as every character, 

round or flat, 

good girl or bad guy, 

is written into your True Story for a purpose, 

every person you place in our lives 

has a glorious purpose, 

to grace us, 

refine us, 

shape us, 

into the image of Christ. 

Every plot point, 

every twist and turn of the story, 

is written by your loving hand. 

Even more, you are 

with us

in the story. 

You never leave us to fend for ourselves 

against the mighty dragons. 

You never leave us to weep alone 

the losses and longings 

of this life. 

No human author can say the same, 

no matter how badly we may wish 

to walk alongside our readers. 

Thank you, 

glorious God, 

brilliant Author, 

for writing our story 

from beginning 

to end 

to new beginning. 

In the name of the Alpha and Omega, 

Jesus, our Savior, we pray.


Read Genesis 1:1; Revelation 21-22. 

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