A Prayer about the God Who Guides Us

For this is our God forever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. 

Psalm 48:14

Our God, 

How great are you indeed! 

You were committed to dwelling with your people,

 and long ago, you chose to dwell 

in a man-made temple in a man-made city 

as the mighty King of your people (Psalm 48:1-3). 

Other kings caught one look at your might, 

panicked, and ran away (Psalm 48:5). 

Not only are you mighty, you are merciful. 

The people rejoice as they consider

your “steadfast love” and “righteousness” 

and wise “judgments” (Psalm 48:9-11) 

Long ago, your people told of your greatness 

to the next generation; 

today, we praise you, 

because you have deigned to make yourself 

our God, forever and ever. 

Not only are you our God, 

you are our guide, today and tomorrow, 

and to the end of our days. 

Even at the end of our days on this earth, 

in you, the end is only the beginning. 

One day, our great King Jesus will return, 

and we will dwell with you forever, 

secure and safe in the eternal joy 

of your everlasting kingdom. 

What reason for rejoicing! Amen.

Read Psalm 48.

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