A Prayer about the God Who Knows Us When We Don’t Know Ourselves

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 

1 Corinthians 13:12

Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for this assurance: 

we are fully known by you. 

In seasons of grief or uncertainty, 

of sorrow or stress, 

of caregiving or crisis, 

we often feel like 

we don’t know anything anymore. 

We may not recognize ourselves: 

where we were once full of energy, 

we now struggle to get out of bed; 

where we once attended Bible study regularly, 

we now find ourselves stuck in a waiting room; 

where we once felt we knew you well, 

we now find ourselves doubting your plan. 

In those places, we need to hear you speaking certainty to us:

“Fear not for I have redeemed you; 

I have called you by name, 

you are mine.

Fear not, for I am with you…

I will…bring my sons from afar, 

and my daughters from the end of the earth…” (Isaiah 43:1; 5-6).

We need to hear you affirming your knowledge of us 

even when we have wandered far from you:

“It was I who knew you in the wilderness, 

in the land of drought” (Hosea 13:5).

Yes, now our vision of you and ourselves is spotty, 

dimmed by the cataracts of life 

in a fallen world, 

but one day we will see you 

face to face. 

And then we will know fully who we are

(your beloved daughters and sons) 

because we will finally know fully who you are. 

Until that day comes, 

may we rest in the hope 

that we are fully known 

and incredibly loved by you. 

In Jesus’ loving name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 43:1-7; 1 Corinthians 13:8-134.

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