A Prayer about the Good News for Robbers, Liars, and Cheats

Laban had gone to shear his sheep, and Rachel stole her father’s household gods. Genesis 31:19

Author God,

What a story, a true story, 

you have given us in your Word. 

As I begin a new reading program this year*, 

going through much of Genesis over a two-week period, 

I am dumbstruck by all of 

the murder, hatred, envy, robbery, lying, and cheating — 

by the very people you have promised to bless.

In just part of the true story, 

Jacob cheats Esau; Laban cheats Jacob. 

Leah is despised; Rachel envies Leah. 

Rachel steals her father’s household gods, 

then lies about them when he comes looking for them (Genesis 27-31). 

As we read your whole Story of grace, 

we see people like ourselves, 

people who feel envious, 

people who cover up the truth sometimes, 

people who trick or manipulate others 

to get what they want, 

people who hate and people who feel hated. 

And yet, what we see in this Story over and over again 

is you, the faithful, steadfastly loving, 

merciful, and forgiving God 

who continues to call your people 

to be fruitful and multiply, 

who sent your Son to forgive and cleanse us 

from our sins once and for all. 

Give us a deep love 

for the truth and hope in your redeeming Word. 

In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read Genesis.

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