A Prayer about the One Who Endured Temptation for Us

And the devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.” Luke 4:3

Lord Jesus,

Thank you for enduring temptation for us.

You had been led into the wilderness by the Spirit. 

This forty days of fasting was planned. 

But that didn’t mean it was easy. 

You had just heard the voice of your Father saying, 

“You are my beloved Son; 

with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). 

Now the evil one, the accuser, Satan, 

knowing you are starving, 

tries to make you doubt God’s love for you, 

for after all, if you’re really the Son of God, 

why would you be out in the wilderness starving? 

(Lord, help us to see 

when trials cause us to doubt your love for us). 

Then he tempted you to use your divine power

to turn stones into bread. 

You resisted. You remembered. 

“It is written, 

‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’ 

The rest of the quotation 

from Deuteronomy 8:3 says, 

“but by every word 

that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” 

Thank you, Lord, for persevering, 

for enduring temptation for us. 

Help us to remember your Word, 

your assurance: 

because we are united to you, 

we can also resist the devil, 

that he may flee from us (James 4:7).

Read Luke 4:1-4.

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