A Prayer about the One Who Is Trustworthy and True

Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true. Revelation 21:5

Trustworthy and True Father,

We are distressed to learn 

that many of the leaders and institutions 

we have put our trust in, 

even spiritual ones, 

are not trustworthy and true. 

In fact, some cultural commentators say

there is an epidemic of mistrust in our world, 

and they may be right. 

How thankful we are 

that throughout Scripture, 

and especially in the wonderful vision of Revelation

about what really will happen one day “soon,” 

you emphasize how trustworthy and true you are. 

You are the God of truth, the God who never lies. 

You have sent your Son as our Savior, 

and he has proven himself 

to be perfectly trustworthy 

and perfectly loving. 

Unlike any of the fallible leaders in the world today, 

Jesus gave his life for us. 

Jesus made good on his promise 

to rise from the dead after three days. 

Jesus delivered on his pledge

to send a greater Helper, the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus ascended to heaven

and sits at your right hand this very minute, 

interceding for us (Romans 8:34).  

Your promise is trustworthy and true. 

Jesus is coming back. 

Jesus is restoring this broken world.

Jesus is making all things new. 

And one day we really will dwell in shalom forever. 

In Jesus’ faithful and true name. Amen.

Read Revelation 21:5; 22:6; 3:14; 19:11.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

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