A Prayer about the Silence of Adam
…she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6
Heavenly Father,
Recently I’ve been reminded of how crucial it is
that we read your Word carefully.
Otherwise, we can fall prey to human teachings
that only do harm.
Long ago, some misguided theologians
started the terrible teaching
that the fall of humanity was all Eve’s fault.
As we revisit the first three chapters of Genesis,
we see your design for the first man and the first woman,
for every marriage.
Adam was called to name both beauty and sin (See Genesis 2:16-22).
When the woman was formed from his flesh,
he spoke the first poem in the Bible:
“This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:23).
We sometimes miss the fact
that Adam was standing with Eve
when Satan, disguised as the serpent,
approached her.
We often fail to consider what might have happened
if Adam had spoken up.
“No sir, we will not eat of that tree,
for it’s the only tree that God forbade us.
Our God is so generous.
Our God has given us everything we need.”
Sadly, those words aren’t in the Bible.
Either Adam was equally drawn in by the serpent’s words,
or he just couldn’t find the courage to oppose him.
So when Eve reached for the fruit,
he said nothing.
When Eve turned to him as he stood “with her,”
he ate.
Oh, Lord, may it never be!
May we work together as husband and wife,
as men and women too,
to know your Word,
your profound goodness,
your lavish generosity,
your rich mercy,
and may we remind one another
when the other is tempted.
In Jesus’ forgiving name. Amen.
Read Genesis 1-3.