A Prayer about the Tender Mercy of Our God

“Because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high” Luke 1:78

Heavenly Father

As this day dawns, 

the day before we remember our Savior’s first arrival,

Still us.

Though we may think we need to rush about 

and grab some last minute gifts

 or finish the wrapping 

or get those Christmas cards done,

draw us to be still before you 

and recall what Zechariah saw 

on the day his son John the Baptist was born. 

Where before he had doubted 

your power and your plan, 

now he is filled with the Spirit 

and pours forth your praise:

“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, 

for he has visited and redeemed his people” (Luke 1:68). 

As we sit in silence before you, 

may we see what Zechariah saw—

our long-awaited salvation:

Jesus came to bring “the forgiveness of [our] sins….” 


Only “Because of the tender mercy of our God…”

What is the result of your tender mercy?

“….the sunrise shall visit us from on high 

to give light to those who sit in darkness 

and in the shadow of death….” 

What will come as a result of your tender mercy?

You will “guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:77-79).

May we enjoy and work toward this peace 

even now as we silently wonder at your salvation.

In the name of Christ our Savior we pray. Amen.

Read Luke 1:67-79). 

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

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