A Prayer about the Transforming Work of the Spirit
….that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being… Ephesians 3:16
Risen Jesus,
Thank you for sending your Spirit as our Helper.
No shriveled weakling is your Spirit;
indeed, your Spirit strengthens us
with a superpower far surpassing
Superman’s or Wonderwoman’s.
Your Spirit raises us
right out of our spiritual death.
Your Spirit softens hard hearts.
Your Spirit renews our inner beings.
Your Spirit roots your love deep
in the once-rocky soil
of our heart, soul, mind, and body.
Your Spirit transforms us,
that we may bear the fruit of being grafted into you:
We walk in your love;
we share your joy;
we seek your peace;
we wait with your patience;
we move in your kindness;
we reflect your goodness;
we trust with your faithfulness;
we touch with your gentleness;
we resist with your self-control.
Oh, yes, Lord, how we thank you
for leaving your Spirit as our best Help!
In your kind name we pray. Amen.
Read Ephesians 3:14-21; John 14:15-17; Galatians 5:22-26.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage
author, life and legacy coach, speaker
Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage is the author of Preparing for Glory: Biblical Answers to 40 Questions on Living and Dying in Hope of Heaven.
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