A Prayer about the Wrath of God

But for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. Romans 2:8

Holy and Just God,

We confess, we don’t like to talk much about your wrath and fury. 

And yet, your Word tells us 

that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), 

and that there is only one way to be saved from our sin—

by your Holy Spirit awakening us from our spiritual death

and through our trust in your Son our Savior. 

There are people who refuse to seek you, 

who refuse to obey you, 

who, even worse, 

obey unrighteousness, 

who “cannot rest until they do evil” (Proverbs 4:16). 

For such people, there will truly be “tribulation and distress” (Romans 2:9) 

on the “day of wrath” (Romans 2:5). 

As people who belong to Jesus, 

may we never judge people who seem to be following evil. 

May we instead reach out to the unrepentant, 

praying for them, 

urging them by the power of your Spirit 

to turn away from evil, 

to turn back to you, 

to know your abounding mercy, 

that they may never know 

your wrath and fury on judgment day. 

In Jesus’ evil-crushing name. Amen.

Read Romans 2:1-16.

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