A Prayer about Watching Jesus’ Sorrow

“And he said to them, ‘My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.’” Mark 14:34

Father God,

This scene in the Garden of Gethsemane 

the night before Jesus’ arrest 

both challenges and comforts me.

Jesus first confessed to Peter, James, and John 

that he was “very sorrowful”

and then commanded them to remain with him 

and watch with him (Mark 14:33-34). 

And yet, he knew they could not

provide faithful companionship 

in his profound suffering. 

It was to you he turned for that. 

He “fell on the ground and prayed,” 

asking you to remove the cup of suffering from him (Mark 14:35-36). 

What did the disciples do? They fell asleep (Mark 14:37, 41). 

What did Jesus do? 

He ministered to them, 

knowing they would soon face the fiercest spiritual battle of their lives. 

He reminded them how desperately 

they would need to depend on God in a season of doubt, 

“Watch and pray, that you might not enter into temptation” (Mark 14:38). 

Lord, God, wake us up! 

Open our minds 

so that we may fully understand Jesus’ kindness 

to his followers in the midst of his suffering. 

Lord, God, wake us up! 

May we hear and heed Jesus’ call to “watch and pray,” 

knowing that he has empowered us 

through his death and resurrection to resist temptation of all kinds.

In Jesus’ suffering name. Amen.

Read Mark 14:32-42. 


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