A Prayer about Where We Find Our Security and Significance

For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. Psalm 62:1

Faithful God,

We confess, too many times, 

our souls wait noisily, 

and they’re waiting for whatever will bring us 

a greater sense of security and significance. 

May we recognize with David 

that you alone are worthy of our wait. 

You alone are our rock and our salvation, 

our fortress. 

When we secure ourselves in you alone, 

we will “not be greatly shaken” (Psalm 62:1-2).

When we look for security in the many good gifts 

you have graciously given us,

we will find that they are only 

“leaning walls” 

and “tottering fences.” 

Our ideal families aren’t always happy; 

Our fit bodies aren’t always healthy;

Our retirement accounts aren’t always hefty. 

And yet, strangely enough, 

you know when we turn to these things 

for a sense of security and significance, 

and although you may “discipline those you love” (Hebrews 12:6 ), 

you do love us, 

you do seek us out, 

you do draw us back to yourself, 

our only safe refuge. 

Indeed, Lord, we can trust in you at all times; 

we can vulnerably “pour out our heart before you” (Psalm 62:8), for

“Power belongs to you,” 

and you alone are “steadfastly loving” (Psalm 62:11). 

In Jesus’ safe and secure name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 62.

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