A Prayer about Finding Rest in Prayer

…and they found him and said to him, “Everyone is looking for you.” Mark 1:37 

Rest-giving Jesus,

Today we return to our theme 

of finding rest in an anxious world. 

As we witness what you did, 

empower us to do the same:

You rose very early in the morning, 

and you went “out to a desolate place,” 

and you prayed (Mark 1:35). 

Lord, one thing is clear — 

we need to find quiet. 

In order to find rest, 

we must be intentional 

about getting away from the noisy demands 

of our cell phones 

and our self-talk, 

our crying babies 

and our screaming inboxes. 

Why must we get quiet? 

Because if we do not, 

we cannot hear you singing 

your delight over us (Zephaniah 3:14-17). 

If we do not get quiet, 

we cannot “stay on purpose,” 

as Vanessa pointed out in her talk*. 

If we don’t get quiet, 

when people come to us with their demands, 

“Everyone is looking for you” 

(bosses, employees, 

friends, spouses, 

children, grandchildren….), 

we will puff up with pride and think, 

“Oh, how important I am!” 

But you did not puff up with pride 

when your disciples told you that. 

No, you “stayed on purpose,” 

and you refused to yield 

to someone else’s purpose for you 

that was not your God-given purpose. 

You said, “Let us go on to the next towns, 

that I may preach there also, 

for that is why I came out” (Mark 1:38). 

Precious Jesus, 

forgive us for getting distracted, 

for not listening to 

your voice, 

to the Father’s voice, 

to the Spirit’s voice. 

Forgive us for hearing the demands and applause of “everyone”

 and thinking we must do as they say. 

Help us in our desperate weakness 

to follow you, 

to do our Father’s will. 

In your praying name. Amen.

Read Mark 1:35-39. 

This prayer, like yesterday’s, was inspired by this talk given by Vanessa Hawkins.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

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