A Prayer about Praying for Pastors

I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. Romans 15:30

Heavenly Father,

In a day and age when 75% of pastors report being extremely stressed, 70% of pastors say they don’t have a close friend, and 80% think they won’t  be in ministry in ten years,*

we must heed Paul’s call to pray for pastors, faithfully committing to praying for them and encouraging them.

We pray for relief from the daily stresses pastors face, 

that we can be people who come alongside to support 

without seeking to know all of the “church gossip.”

We pray we will be faithful to encourage our pastors verbally, 

with spoken and written affirmation.

We pray for appropriate rest, 

and that our church will make a way for them to take regular sabbaticals, 

We pray for the energy and space to take good care of their bodies, 

getting exercise and eating well. 

We pray for encouraging friendships with other pastors, 

for the courage and space to tell the truth about their struggles, 

And we pray for protection from temptation 

and danger and all forms of spiritual attack. 

In the name of our great Shepherd, Jesus.


 Romans 15:30-332 Corinthians 1:10-11Ephesians 6:19-20Philippians 1:19-20

*Statistics from https://www.soulshepherding.org/pastors-under-stress/

Friends, for a helpful article on understanding your pastor’s need for pastor friends, please check out this wise encouragement by Pastor Walter Henegar at By Faith Online, “Your Pastor Needs Pastor Friends”

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