A Prayer about Praying for the Persecuted

Indeed, the hour will come when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

John 16:2

Lord of Hosts,

Yesterday we prayed about enduring persecution. 

And yet, most of us praying these prayers cannot comprehend the type of persecution endured by many of your followers throughout the world. 

As our pastor pointed out, 

persecution is variable, 

and in many countries of the world, 

your followers are killed or imprisoned 

for being Christians. 

In some countries, those who are not killed 

are deported to labor camps 

as political criminals.** 

In many countries, 

churches are destroyed, 

and your followers experience 

severe discrimination and economic pressure. 

Lord, we ask your protection 

of these Christians 

who courageously live their faith 

in the face of severe persecution. 

Give them courage and endurance

as they cling to Christ their Savior 

for wisdom and hope. 

We pray that those trapped 

in state religions or false religions 

will see the light of Christ 

and respond to him as Lord and Savior.

We pray for children in oppressed countries, 

for their protection, 

that they might hear your Word 

and grow as your disciples.

We pray that we might be bold witnesses, 

faithful to pray 

and to share the hope 

you have given us through our Savior.

In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

For more information about the persecuted church worldwide, visit persecution.com and opendoors.org

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