
A Prayer about the Wonder of Christ Praying for Us

Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25

Interceding Lord,

We are awed to think that you are our chief prayer warrior!

Scripture tells us that you are interceding on our behalf 

right now with the Father, 

presenting us as righteous in your righteousness, 

cleansed by your blood. 

If we wonder what kinds of things you pray on our behalf, 

we can look to the “high priestly prayer” in John 17, 

the prayer you prayed over all disciples 

just before you went to the cross. 

You prayed that we would have eternal life, 

and you said that eternal life consisted 

in knowing your Father as the one, true God, 

and you as the glorified Son (John 17:3). 

You prayed that we would know 

that we belong to you as your treasured bride (John 17:6; Ephesians 5:22).

You prayed that we would be protected from the evil one (John 17:15).

You prayed that we would overflow with your joy (John 17:13).

You prayed that we would be sanctified, set apart by your holiness (John 17:16-19).

You prayed that we would share our hope in you with the hurting world (John 17:18).

You prayed that we would be unified with one another by our union with you.

You prayed that we would glow with your glory in that unity (John 17:24).

You prayed that we would spill over with the love of the Father for the Son and the Father for his people, so that the world may know the kindness of the Father and the love of the Son (John 17:26).

Jesus, by your Spirit, 

we ask that you would embolden us to pray 

for others and ourselves 

as you pray for us, 

that we may live your gospel beauty 

before a watching world. 

In your praying name we ask.Amen.

Read John 17. 

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