A Prayer for Election Season

I’ll confess — this election season has led me to struggle with gratitude for my country. Much of the time, I have felt cynical and critical, not grateful.

The good news in the midst of the bad news is that God has given us the gift and privilege of prayer. Today and in the coming days, I invite you to join me in prayers of gratitude and repentance concerning what we see in America.



You have honored us to be citizens of your eternal kingdom,

and yet you have appointed us as your ambassadors

of reconciliation in this earthly country.


confess that too often we have looked to political leaders

to satisfy our needs. We have neglected to show hospitality to strangers,

and we have failed to love, both our neighbors and our enemies.


gratitude for citizenry


we thank you and praise you

for the privilege of

living in this country.


to the day

when we will bow together

as one body composed of people

from every tribe, tongue, and nation,


Jesus as Lord.

We are confident that the

zeal of the Lord of Hosts will do it!

In Jesus’ ruling name we pray.


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Advance Review for From Recovery to Restoration

"Whether it be in the midst of physical pain, addiction, abandonment, abuse, or habitual sin, Elizabeth will redirect your gaze over and over through scripture to meditate not on the gaping hole of your loss, but on the relentless pursuit of Jesus's love."

Hope Blanton and Christine Gordon, Authors, At His Feet Studies

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