A Prayer for the Kind of Strength We Need

Father God, 

Thank you for this comprehensive prayer 

Paul prayed for his friends the Ephesians. 

Today, we pray it for our loved ones and for ourselves:

Out of your glorious riches — 

your riches aren’t earned, 

nor are they corrupt, 

nor are they self-serving — 

they are glorious and generous and plentiful 

to provide all of our needs…

May you strengthen [insert name of loved one or your name] 

with your power — 

your power, which is perfectly wielded 

for the weak and needy (that’s us and others) 

to make us strong — 

not Ford tough or Chevy strong— 

but strong in our “inner being,” 

strong in your Spirit’s power, 

not our own. 

As you strengthen us 

by your Spirit, 

may [name of loved one’s] heart 

come to rest 

in the life-changing reality 

that Christ, our King and Savior, dwells in our hearts. 

In the name of our heart-dwelling Savior, Jesus, we pray.


Read Ephesians 3:14-21. 

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