A Prayer about the Word That Revives Our Soul

Author God,

You have written the one true story 

that gives us everything we need 

for life and breath. 

Thank you for the remarkable Psalm 119 

which reminds us of the many reasons 

we have to cling to your word 

even when our souls “cling to the dust” (Psalm 119:25):

Your word counsels and clarifies, 

lighting our way 

when we walk in darkness (Psalm 119:104).

Your word stabilizes and secures, 

revealing your steadfast love and faithfulness (Psalm 119:75-77).

Your word saves and delivers, 

acting as our “refuge and shield” 

against “evil-minded people” (Psalm 119:114-115).

Your word restores and revives us, 

filling us with hope when we are afflicted

and raising us to new life 

when we are groveling in the dust (Psalm 119:49, 25).

Grow in us a love and longing for your word, 

that we may love you and love others.

In the name of the Word-Made-Flesh, Jesus, we ask. Amen. 

Read Psalm 119.

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