A Prayer Thanking the Lord for Lifting Us out of the Muck
Redeeming Lord,
Help us, we pray,
to wait patiently for you,
to trust that you will again turn to us
and hear our cry (Psalm 40:1).
We remember the days
when our hearts
were sunk and stuck
in the much
of our self-centeredness,
and self-servitude.
How grateful we are
that you pulled us out
of that miry darkness!
In these hot days,
as the mad blood is stirring (with a nod to Shakespeare),
rescue us again!
Set our feet
upon the secure rock of your redemption.
Set our hearts
to singing new songs,
songs of love and care for our neighbors,
songs of service to our saving Lord.
May we delight to do your will
by sharing the “glad news of deliverance”
not only with our lips but in our lives.
In Jesus’ delivering name. Amen.
Read Psalm 40.