A Prayer about God’s Wonderful Plan

The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35 (NLT)

Holy, Majestic, Wondrous God,

No matter how many times I read 

the angel Gabriel’s “explanation” to Mary

 about how she will become pregnant 

with the Son of God, 

I’m baffled every time.

Who else but you 

would think of such a plan? 

What god but you, the Creator of the cosmos,

could actually execute it? 

What god but you, the Merciful Lord, 

would pay such a high price

to save a wayward people?

Yet, because you did,

the Holy Spirit “overshadowed” Mary, 

and she gave birth to Jesus, our Savior, 

so that one day, we could be born all over again, 

as completely new creation, in Christ. 

Only you, our glorious, covenantal, steadfastly loving God 

would and could accomplish such a thing!

May we spend this advent season 

marveling at the many ways you give birth to new things—

Especially new love for you and new love for others.

In Jesus’ saving name.


Read Luke 1:26-35.

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

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