A Prayer about Really “Getting” God’s Love

That you being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints the breadth and length and height and depth…Eph. 3:18

Heavenly Father, 

We confess, we just don’t fully get your love. 

We’ve never seen anything like it on this earth, 

unless we could imagine that the ocean, 

seemingly infinite in depth and length and width and height, 

was full of your love. 

You are love, 

and you can never be not-loving. 

We struggle to understand your love—

like a four-year-old learning to read, 

we might be able to make out some of the characters 

and even a word here or there, 

but a whole sentence or paragraph 

is more than we can handle. 

And yet, you have made a way for us 

to taste the sweetness of your love—

by the power of your Holy Spirit, 

you work in our “inner being,” 

and you tell us, “I love you.” 

You show us through story after story after story 

of your grace—

“My sinless Son died  for you….” 

“My sinless Son died for you….” 

Yes, while you were still a sinner (Romans 5:8). 

Yes, even though you still struggle with sin (Rom. 7:23-25). 

You belong to me, 

and I love you. 

I loved you from before the foundation of the world, 

and I will love you throughout eternity. 

Oh dear Father, 

give us the faith to ground ourselves in this love 

that we might love others 

as you have loved us. 

In Jesus’ eternally loving name. Amen. 

Read Ephesians 3:14-21.


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