A Prayer about the One Thing We Need

Lord Jesus,

Bread of life; manna from heaven,

Forgive us when we are like the grumbling people in this story, 

people who have just been fed a filling feast 

you produced out of two fish and five loaves

and who now clamor for more miracles. 

Open our eyes to see that you are the miracle, 

you are the one thing we need. 

We don’t need tricks and magic shows, 

we need the miracle of redemption, 

a Savior sent from heaven to feed us 

the food that fully satisfies, 

to fill us with the living water that quenches our thirst. 

May we see that you are real, 

that while we can’t physically eat you like a piece of bread, 

we can fully partake of you, 

moment by moment, 

through your Word, by your Spirit. 

Help us to see that when we fully take you in, 

you satisfy our deepest longings—

for love, for peace, 

for hope, for trust, 

for forgiveness, for healing. 

In your very real name. Amen. 

Read John 6:22-71.

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