A Prayer about the One True King

King Jesus,

We admit, we in the Western world don’t understand much 

about kings and rulers and, really, your kind of politics.

After all, you are the King 

who created all things (can any other king in history say that?!), 

You created all things——

in heaven and on earth, 

visible and invisible, 

thrones and dominions 

and rulers and authorities 

(pause us to imagine the thrones you created 

and the dominions you granted, 

both those we have seen visibly in history 

and those that are not visible to us and are yet very real).

As we imagine other thrones and dominions and rulers and authorities, 

we may think of evil rulers 

like Nero or Hitler 

or Satan and his minions, “the prince of the power of the air.” 

Remind us that while you created them, 

you did not create them to be evil—

they chose commitment to self-rule 

over submission to your rule. 

And yet, though you created all things,

you chose submission to your Father’s rule 

over self-rule (Philippians 2:5).

Each and every day, we have a choice—

to serve you or to serve our own little fiefdoms.

By your grace, draw us to serve you as your ambassadors, 

because it is only in you 

that all things (everything that matters) hold together (Colossians 1:17). 

In your majestic name. Amen.

Read Colossians 1:15-23.

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