A Prayer about Grieving with Hope

Comforting God,

How kind your Word is—

you know that we will grieve when we lose loved ones, 

and you don’t tell us not to grieve.

and yet, you remind us 

that Jesus gives us every reason to hope for a brighter day 

even as we grieve. 

For we know that our loved ones lost to death 

are now with you if they trusted in you in this life. 

You told the thief on the cross, 

“Today, you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). 

Yes, much about death and resurrection remains a mystery, 

but this much we know: 

one day, all who trust in Christ will be with you forever, 

bodies and souls fully restored. 

Oh, Lord, how we look forward to that day.

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

Friends, I’m excited to be offering a workshop for caregivers as a part of an event considering the “Practical Theology of Death and Dying” to be held at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS April 23-24. For more details, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fpc-evening-of-life-event-tickets-150820763965.

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