A Prayer about Help for the Falling

Our Strength and Our Song,

You have become our salvation. 

When we’ve been surrounded by enemies on every side—

financial stress, caregiving exhaustion, 

troubled teens, sickness and death, 

our own sinful choices,

buzzing around us like angry bees, 

we were “pushed hard,” 

and we were falling. 

We might have landed in the chasm of despair, 

but you helped us. 

Because you are our salvation,

“We shall not die but shall live, 

and recount the deeds of the Lord” (Psalm 118:17).

You have indeed opened the gates of righteousness to us, 

that we may “enter through them, 

and give thanks to the Lord” (Psalm 118: 19).

Today, we stand in awe of you, 

marveling at your rescue, 

singing with the saints,

“This is the day that the Lord has made; 

let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). 

In Jesus’ saving name. Amen.

Read Psalm 118:1-29. 

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