A Prayer about How Long Grief Lasts

How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?  Psalm 13:2

O Lord,

How long indeed?

It’s been just over two weeks 

since the tragic shooting at a school in Nashville. 

The news cycle has moved on. 

Most people have moved on. 

But those who lost loved ones that day haven’t,

and they won’t, 

not for a long time. 

Dark images are engraved in their mind’s eye; 

tears at such sudden, shocking loss 

of so many precious lives, 

burst forth without warning.

And there are others 

who lost loved ones that week, 

but no one seemed to notice their loss. 

Their loved one died a “normal death,” 

cut down by cancer, 

destroyed by disease,

succumbing to old age.

Oh Lord, how long indeed? 

How long will we wait for the day 

of no more death, 

for indeed there is no such thing 

as a “normal” death. 

How long will it seem that our enemy, 

death and evil, 

is exalted over us?

We are tired. 

We are weary. 

We don’t think we can endure another day.

Will you come, even now, 

Lord Jesus,

So near to the brokenhearted?

Will you revive us again?

We long, like David, 

who sang Psalm 13, 

to sing out in hope, 

even in the midst of our grief, 

to utter the words 

which we do believe are true:

“But I have trusted in your steadfast love;

    my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

I will sing to the Lord,

    because he has dealt bountifully with me” (Psalm 13:5-6).

Give us voice to your goodness

even as we continue to grieve.

In Jesus’ hope-full name. 


Read Psalm 13

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