A Prayer about Light in Dark Days

Son of Righteousness, 

In these dark and distressing days, 

many are feeling the  “gloom of anguish”—

grief over lost loved ones; 

sorrow over meanness and division, 

weariness over work frustrations…

In this stark dark season, 

we embrace the good news

 Isaiah gave people long long ago. 

Isaiah promised a brilliant light 

would shine into the darkness 

of the Israelites’ captivity.

We have seen this light, 

the “life that was the light of men” (John 1:4), 

You are the “light that darkness cannot overcome” (John 1:5). 

You make our burdens light 

by shouldering our sin 

and throwing off our oppressors (Isaiah 9:4). 

You instill peace in our hearts 

by burning the weapons of war 

and restoring order to chaos and confusion (Isaiah 9:5). 

You shine glory into the cosmos 

from your everlasting crown 

which rules over nations 

and draws multitudes to bow before you (Isaiah 9:3,7). 

Sun of Righteousness, 

draw our eyes to the horizon of hope, 

that we may see you rising 

with healing in your wings (Malachi 4:2). 

In your light and life-giving name. Amen. 

Read Isaiah 9:1-7; John 1:1-18. 

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