A Prayer about Praying Lament Back to God
Today, we are praying one of the lament Psalms back to God. Maybe you are hurting, or maybe you know someone who is. Sometimes when we’re hurting, we are afraid to be honest with God. The Psalms of lament can help us know what to say in such a time.
How long, O Lord? (Psalm 13:1)
Lord, it feels like we’ve been waiting forever for …
[Name what you have been waiting for: e.g. my husband to get a new job, our son to return to the Lord, a viable pregnancy…]
Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? (Psalm 13:1)
I hate to admit it,
but sometimes I wonder if you have forgotten me.
Sometimes, even though the Bible says
“You are with me,”
it feels like you’re hiding your face from me.
[Name how you feel forgotten or as if God is absent.]
How long must I take counsel
in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? (Psalm 13:2)
Father, it just feels like the tears will never dry,
the days of wanting to stay in bed will never end,
the heartache will never be less intense.
Will you ever return joy to my heart?
[Name your sorrow and pain.]
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?
Lord, I don’t understand why you’re allowing evil people to have so much goodness in their lives. Why don’t other people see the truth about the person who betrayed and abused me?
Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;
light up my eyes,
lest I sleep the sleep of death,
lest my enemy say,
“I have prevailed over him,”
lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.
Lord, please send me a word, a verse, a sign, a friend that reminds me
you will redeem this broken story
[Name the broken story…
e.g. that you will rescue me from a destructive relationship,
that you will heal my disease,
that you will defeat the obstacles in the way of a healthy pregnancy
or that you will help me be at peace with not having my own biological children….]
I feel like I’m going to die from the pain.
Lord, rescue again, so the enemy cannot say, “I’ve beaten her. I’ve won,”
because we know in Christ that you have won the victory.
But I have trusted in your steadfast love;
my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.
Lord, I know you. I’ve seen you rescue in my life;
I know that Jesus died on the cross because you loved us so.
I know that your love will sustain me.
And because of your love that changes everything,
I can at least rejoice
because I am saved from sin and death,
and one day I will live with you forever.
I will sing to the Lord,
because he has dealt bountifully with me.”
Even though I hurt so badly right now,
I know that you have blessed me abundantly in Christ,
and in my life, giving me so many good things —
[Name some of the good things…
e.g. friends who love me, a faithful husband, wise doctors and nurses, a supportive church…]
Thank you for all of the ways
you have provided for me in the midst of this terrible time.
In Jesus’ saving name. Amen.
Read Psalm 13.
Holy Father,
How can we be your children and yet deploy our words as wicked weapons?
How unlike our holy Father who delights in his precious image-bearers.
We confess,
when we are not rooted in your steadfast love,
immersed in your Word,
we can so quickly and rashly
wield words that wound others.
Help us to spend some time
thinking through our words,
asking, “Are my words full of deadly poison?
If I type this comment,
send this email,
make this remark,
will it hurt someone’s feelings?
If I share this rant,
could someone feel guilty
or ashamed
or angry
or sad?”
Change us, Lord,
conforming us to the image of your Son,
because we know that our tongue tendencies
are deeply rooted in sinful selves.
Only through the love
of your Son,
only through the transforming power
of the Holy Spirit,
can we learn to speak words
of wisdom, truth, and kindness.
In Jesus’ kind name. Amen.
Read James 3:1-12.