A Prayer about Resurrection Joy in Seasons of Sorrow

Risen Savior,

I love this story about Mary Magdalene.

Not finding you in the tomb, she wept.

Then she turned to see you but failed to recognize you.

You called her name, “Mary.”

She heard your voice and recognized you. 

She embraced you as her tears turned to joy.

May we see you today as our risen and ascended Savior, 

occupying your heavenly throne, 

ruling over the brokenness in this world, 

redeeming in ways we can’t see yet. 

May we stand on tiptoes to look beyond 

what we read in the news or hear reported 

to see you coming “soon,” 

bringing the new heavens and the new earth with you (Revelation 21:1-5; Revelation 22:7). 

When we see you as a risen, ascended, and returning Savior, 

we know joy even in the midst of sorrow, 

remembering that one day soon 

your kingdom of peace and justice 

and righteousness will reign forever. 

In your resurrected name. Amen.

Read John 20: 11-18; Revelation 21:1-5.

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