A Prayer about Suffering for the Sake of Christ

Father God,

Thank you for the Apostle Paul. 

What a strange and wonderful man he was, 

so markedly changed by Jesus Christ.

He spoke these words of farewell 

to his dear friends in Ephesus, 

saying basically, 

“I don’t know what will happen to me in Jerusalem, 

but I know I will suffer and be imprisoned” (Acts 20:22-23). 

He continued his farewell by saying, 

“It’s not about me” (ET translation Acts 20:24a), 

stating his primary purpose, his main goal:

“If only I may finish my course and the ministry 

that I received from the Lord Jesus, 

to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24).

Father, I confess, too often, 

my main focus is getting things checked off my to-do list, 

or praying for and supporting my children in their various needs. 

These are good things, but I want my focus to be on the best thing. 

By the power of your Holy Spirit, make me more like Paul….

no, scratch that—make me more like Jesus, 

willing to suffer 

so that many would know the good news about your grace.

In Jesus’ life-changing name. Amen.

Read Acts 20:17-38.

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