A Prayer about Waiting for the King’s Return

Lord Jesus,

You are

the King of shalom,

the King of righteousness, 

the King of justice, 

the King of peace. 

How long until you return 

to make your face shine upon us, 

to restore us to yourself (Psalm 80:3)?

How long until you return 

to wipe away all tears (Revelation 21:4):

the tears of those who have been abused 

because of their skin color, 

the tears of those who have been abandoned 

by loved ones, 

the tears of those who have been afflicted 

by disease?

Even as we await your return, 

empower us to live your healing love 

into this hurting world.

In your restoring name we ask.


Read Psalm 82; Psalm 80:3; Revelation 21:1-5.

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