A Prayer about Worshiping the God Who Delivers Us

Merciful God,

Today, as we gather, whether in-person or apart, 

we remember your steadfast love which endures forever (Psalm 107:1). 

We have been in distress, 

from our own foolish and “sinful ways” (Psalm 107:17), 

from prisons of our own making 

and prisons of others’ oppression (Psalm 107:10). 

Even as we have “drawn near to the gates of death,” (Psalm 107:18),

We have cried out to you in our trouble, 

and you have delivered us again and again from our distress (Psalm 107:19).

You have sent out your word and healed us; 

you have delivered us from destruction (Psalm 107:20).

We thank you with full hearts 

for your “steadfast love” 

and for your “wondrous works to the children of man!” (Psalm 107:21).

In Jesus’ saving name. Amen.

Read Psalm 107:1-43.

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