A Prayer for When Someone Harms Us

Father God,

It’s hard to know how to react when someone 

deliberately harms, betrays, or abuses us. 

Thank you for reminding us 

through the story of Joseph, 

whose story foreshadows 

the true story of our Savior,

that even brutal betrayal by loved ones 

can be redeemed for your good purposes. 

Help us to bring all of our tears and pain to you, 

because you care about them. 

Help us to trace your redemption 

through the harm we have suffered. 

And help us to pray for those who persecute us, 

that they might bow before you 

and know full and freeing forgiveness. 

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen.

Read Genesis 50:20; Psalm 109:21-31. 

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