A Prayer for When We’re Afraid

Faithful Lord,

Thank you for your compassion for our fearfulness.

Today, we bring our fears to you:

When we are afraid

that we will fail at work, at school, as caregivers

[name any failures you fear],

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid

that we have made the wrong decisions

for our children, for our loved ones, about our business, in our lives

[name any wrong decisions you fear],

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid

that our health or the health of a loved one

will not improve

[name any health fears you have],

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid

that we will lose our job or won’t find one soon

[name any fears about provision you have],

we put our trust in you.

Father, you know all of our fears,

and you invite us to bring them to you.

As we do so, calm our hearts and minds

in the sure hope of your kind provision. 

In Jesus’ trustworthy name. Amen.

Read Psalm 56:1-13.

Friends, I’m excited to be offering a workshop for caregivers as a part of an event considering the “Practical Theology of Death and Dying” to be held at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS April 23-24. For more details, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fpc-evening-of-life-event-tickets-150820763965.

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