A Prayer of Lament for the Abused and Betrayed

by | Jun 23, 2022 | Daily Prayer, Grief, Suffering | 0 comments

When my spirit faints within me, you know my way! In the path where I walk they have hidden a trap for me. Psalm 142:3

Holy and Just God,

We use the words of Psalm 142

to cry out to you

on behalf of all who have suffered



and abuse:

We pour out our complaints;

We tell you our troubles:

Too many children suffer harm at the hands

of those who are meant to show them your security;

Too many women suffer harm from the voices

of men who are meant to show them your tenderness;

Too many people of color suffer harm from the systems

that are meant to show them your protection.

For those who feel

“there is none who takes notice of me;

no refuge remains to me;

no one cares for my soul,” (Psalm 142: 3-4),

We cry out.

Show them that you are indeed

their “refuge,

[their] portion in the land of the living” (Psalm 142:5).

Deliver them from their “persecutors,

for they are too strong for [them]” (Psalm 142:6).

We urge you, Lord,

to make these wrongs right,

because you indeed are righteous,

and “you will deal bountifully with [us]” (Psalm 142:7).

In Jesus righteous name. Amen.

Read Psalm 142.

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